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The food system upon which we depend is unsustainable for farmers, consumers and the planet.  Solving the agricultural problems of this era requires innovative, healthy, caring individuals, armed with the experience and understanding to tackle these challenges by 'working locally and thinking globally.'  


Alongside our partners, CKC is working to protect urban greenspaces that function as  fundamental community-led, nature-sensitive, socially-responsible assets that are geared towards addressing these problems (read our call to County Council to include a comprehensive green infrastructure plan as a core priority of THIVE 2050).  Specifically, CKC is actively persuing land for a second urban farm that would support the nutritional, educational and social-emotional well being of low-income and low-food access neighborhoods in Montgomery County, MD (read the Executive Summary of our Unsolicited Proposal for Disposition of County Land here).


In order to maximize the benefits that protected greenspaces provide, CKC focuses specifically on community-led food production in urban neighborhoods.  We do this through three programs areas, including (1) Land Protection, (2) Farm Management and (3) Education & Outreach.


These three program areas are inter-dependent and collectively provide unique opportunities for people to connect, explore, discuss, learn and innovate in the pursuit of a safe, smart and sustainable local food system.​

"Urban farms should no longer be considered a temporary or interim use for vacant plots.  They are the future and need to be protected."

- Hannah Sholder, CKC Founder and Director of Land Stewardship

Koiner Farm

Koiner Farm is our flagship farm. It is protected under a conservation easement and offers our full suite of programs. Koiner Farm is located in a low-income census tract of downtown Silver Spring, and within 1 mile of low-income+low-food-access tracts (see map).


USDA's Food Access Research Atlas:







Blue = Low-income defined by census tracts with poverty rate of 20% or higher, or median family income less than 80% of median family income for state

Orange = Low-income and low-food-access defined as census tract with significant number of residents who are more than 0.5-miles (urban) or 10-miles (rural) from nearest supermarket

Red = Koiner Farm

Learn more about our urban farm expansion efforts here.

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Healthy Food

  • +4,000 pounds grown per year

  • +2,000 pounds donated per year


Knowledge Sharing

  • 28 urban farmer internships per year

  • 12 volunteerships per year

  • 4 urban ag workshops per year



  • 12,500 lbs kitchen scraps composted per year

  • 20 cubic yards compost finished and used on-site per year


Supporting Small Businesses

  • 7 local businesses selling their products at Koiner Farm and/or using our services


Field Trips

15 field trips to the farm per year

200+ student visitors per year 



28 internships per year


On-Farm Events

We offer ~100 opportunities per year to engage with your neighborhood farm ...


48 Open Farmstand Days

10 Summer Concerts 

35 Yoga & Meditation Classes

2 Neighborhood Volunteer Days

2 Community Stewards Meetings 

1 Week of Pumpkin Lighting


2,500+ visitors to Koiner Farm per year






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