"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members".
- Corretta Scott King
We accept Letters of Interest for Volunteerships at Koiner Farm on a rolling basis. If you would like to be added to our list of prospective Volunteers, please send an email to hannah@ckcfarming.org with your request.
Our Volunteerships run March through October. Volunteers dedicate about two hours per week. Volunteers serve as either Farm Workers, Community Liaisons or Farm Educators.
Koiner Farm Volunteers follow in Charlie Koiner's footsteps. Charlie ran Koiner Farm for nearly 40 years. Since his passing in January 2019, volunteers from the community have been working to ensure that Koiner Farm does not miss a beat (or a beet) without Charlie at the helm. Our wonderful, dedicated, knowledgeable group of volunteers keep Koiner Farm running smoothly and ensure that it remains a true community treasure!​
Our amazing Farm Volunteers work two hours per week at Koiner Farm under the directions and supervision of a Farm Manager. Koiner Farm has three Farm Crews with set schedules and tasks.
The Thursday Morning Crew meets at Koiner Farm on Thursday mornings from 9:00AM-11:00AM. The primary job of the Thursday Morning Crew is harvesting, cleaning, weighing and packaging produce.
The Thursday Evening Crew meets at Koiner Farm on Thursdays 5:00PM-7:00PM. The primary job of the Thursday Evening Crews is managing the Farmstand and mainting the garden plots by weeding, watering, edging, composting and more.
The Sunday Evening Crew meets at Koiner Farm on Sundays from 5:00PM-7:00PM. The primary job of the Sunday Evening Crew is general farm upkeep, which includes everything from construction and repair, to weeding and edging, to spreading compost and mulch, to watering, seed saving and planting. ​
Our passionate Community Liaisons are neighbood leaders who dedicate about 1-2 hours per week to community organizing activities, such as information sharing, translating and attending events. The Community Liaisons' primary focus is on equitable access to land and food. This work includes fostering relationships with local residents (particularly renters, immigrants/refugees, and non-native speakers) and small local businesses (particularly minority-owned businesses, artisans and musicians, and fellow nonprofits). Focus areas include SNAP/WIC/FMNP benefits, 3rd Thursday Summer Concerts, and sustainable food system parnerships with the Fenton Village businesses.
The Farm Educators focuses on educational events and activities at Koiner Farm. These events include School Field Trips, Kids' Corners activities, the Independent Learning Hubs, and Workshops/Tours.
The Farm Educators meet at Koiner Farm on the last Wednesday of each month from March through October at 4:30-6:30PM. Additional Education work is completed outside of this monthly meeting times.
* Work times may be adjusted to account for heat and daylight conditions.
* Volunteers may serve on more that one Crew.
* For more details on Volunteerships, please see our FAQs for Interns & Volunteers.
* To join a Volunteer Crew, please send a letter of interest to hannah@ckcfarming.org (please note that the positions on the Farm Crews are limitted and tend to fill quickly)​
We know that not everyone can commit to a weekly obligation for nine months of the year... no problem, there are many other ways to volunteer your time and talents to support Koiner Farm: