Our internship program is helping to inspire the next generation of sustainable food system innovators.
For a gift of $225, you can cover the cost of the stipend for a high school or college age intern who is completing their second or third term at Koiner Farm. First term interns are not eligible for the stipend given the high investment we make in training. However, interns who are invited to stay on for a second or third term (usually the summer and fall terms) are eligible for a $225 stipend upon completion of their 12-week commitment. Many of our interns opt for college credit or Student Service Learning (SSL) hours in lieu of the stipend. But for many interns, who have dedicated many long hot afternoons to growing good food for their community are happy to have a little spending money, in addition to the skills and knowledge they gain from working on the farm.

“In a year when I felt incredibly disconnected, interning at Koiner Farm brought me back closer to my community and myself.”
- Anna, Blair High School class of '21

Funding an intern's stipend (or maybe even a season of interns' stipends) makes an excellent philanthropic corporate activity. Click here if you would like more info on how we are working to inspire the next generation food and farm innovators.
To support Koiner Farm's internship program, simply select your desired donation amount from the options below.
The Charles Koiner Conservancy for Urban Farming (EIN: 83-1145521) is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations to CKC are tax deductible to the extent of the law.
To pay by credit or debit card through PayPal's secure online payment platform, simply click the amount you would like to pay from the options above and follow the prompts.
To pay by check, please make out check to CKC Farming and sent to:
CKC Farming
Attn: Kate Medina, re intern sponsorship
737 Easley Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910
If this is a corporate philanthropy activity or donation in recognition, please provide us with a bit more information about your corporation or honoree via this Google Form, so that we can recognize your organization or honoree appropriately.
We are grateful to have such a supportive community!